Saturday, 21 January 2017

Azure AD Connect - Add OU’s and Run a Full Sync

What does this cover

This is based on my experience in trying to add objects from extra OU's I sync'd from AD to Office 365/ Azure AD using Azure AD Connect, the version released on December 28th - Version 1.1.380.0.

When I just added the OU's and ran a sync from PowerShell the OU's and objects did not sync.

How I did it.

You need to edit the connector if you add OU’s. Technically re-installing should work, but that's a lot of work
OU's. I tried re-running the installer on the install, but it did not add the OU’s or objects.

So open the Synchronisation Service
Default location - "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure AD Sync\UIShell\miisclient.exe"

Edit the AD DS connector, not the Windows Azure AD Connector.
On step 4, when you open containers, you will need to offer your on premise AD credentials.

Then run the Connector Full synchronisation

Select Full Synchronisation

This will run and collect all the new OU’s and objects

Then schedule a Azure AD Connect sync
Open powershell

# This imports the Azure AD Sync Module
Import-Module ADSync
# This gets the existing schedule
# This starts an AD Sync Sync cycle. Yes I know a double sync...not my language
Start-ADSyncSyncCycle –PolicyType Delta

You will, well should get a
On the right hand side…

Reference information

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