Monday, 21 May 2007

The start.

After an amazing trip to Virginia Beach to the Minasi Forum meeting and seeing what these other people do I suppose it was inevitable that I started somewhere.

The point of this, I'm not sure, maybe just the ability to ramble on a website on the Internet and not have to have someone else moderate on my behalf...

So to all of the people who were at the meeting, thanks, you were all inspirations to me in such a big way. I definitely benefited from going to it.

I even got a few quid from work to pay for the registration, which was pleasant.

I have a few things in the pipeline following on from the meeting all directly responsive from the forum meeting. Got more RAM for my laptop, got VMWare installed onto it. Got a few server and client os's images installed and copied, so I can break them safe in the knowledge that I can re-do them all over again. Oh and VMware tools, the error message that appears in VMware is installed from the tools menu of the VMware console.

I'll drift off now and debate tasting notes on a Kilbeggan Whiskey I'm drinking.


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