Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Minasi Forum 2010

The new dates for the 2010 Minasi Forum Meeting have been announced. I for one will be making my merry way to the latest one for a very simple reason;

3 years ago I was at the Forum meeting and got a lot of new knowledge on Virtualisation and remote monitoring.
18 months ago I gained knowlwdge about Sharepoint and SQL.
Last April, I spoke about SBS 2008, learnt more about HyperV, Server 2008R2 and how a real work DR solution is in use using some simple components.

This year, the world is our oyster. There is so much good stuff out there to be spoken about and told about, Exchange 2010, DPM 2010, Server 2008R2 in real use and whatever new tidbits that Mark and Rhonda can tell us about.

Further details available here
and here

I look forward to seeing you there and maybe even having a pint to celebrate my birthday.


Friday, 4 December 2009

SBS 2008 and Backup Exec - SP3 Install Error

I was installing Backup Exec 12.5d onto a SBS 2008 Premium Server and ran into an error.

Error: "LU1812: An update failed to install. A program that was part of this update failed . . . " when running LiveUpdate

This pointed to

After much contemplating my navel, installing the MSXML 3 SP7 and all the rest, I closed Backup Exec, right clicked on the Backup Exec icon and selected run as Administrator.

Service Pack installed..

Hope this helps someone.

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

What a ride

Been too busy with too many things and as usual all I'm fooling is myself. I either need to do this or not. So as a new years resolution to myself I'm promising to try to keep this up.

So things I'm working on;

OCS installed into a SBS 2K8 domain.
Cisco ASA - how and why.
Sharepoint development.

I have loads of notes I should put together somewhere so here may be as handy.
